“Praise God from Whom all blessings flow…”
My heart is just bursting! Today our little family of three has an exciting announcement to make: our family is growing by two feet!!!
Adoption paperwork, classes and home studies are temporarily put on hold because I’m pregnant! Yes, friend. You read that right. I’m pregnant!!
Amazing, right? We serve such an incredibly awesome God that does more than my heart can ever think or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
It was a Sunday night after church. Our little family had just gotten home that morning from a mini-vacation – a vacation I should have felt refreshed after all the sleeping I did. In recent weeks I had felt exhausted all the time, nauseous (to the point I couldn’t even cook), I was gaining weight and not fitting into clothes anymore. Which to me was weird because I wasn’t eating much.
I blamed the exhaustion and nauseousness on stress. And the extreme tiredness also to recovering from a week of teen camp, where I received just a few hours of sleep each night and had long, grueling days. Oh, I was sick that week too (and the week before). But again, exhaustion and nauseousness are ways my body handles stress and anxiety.
However, I usually lose weight during these times, especially because I have no appetite.
So that Sunday night, I knew something wasn’t exactly right with me. I had never been this tired for so long. The nauseousness was a little different from when it’s stress. And let’s not forget about the weight gain!
“Don’t you want to know? I think we need to know one way or another. Don’t you?” I asked my husband.
He hesitantly agreed. (Though now he says he told me absolutely “no”, he didn’t want to know. Sometimes I wonder if we were having the same conversation, because that is not how it came across to me.)
In just a week we had an adoption class where I was hoping to hand in our (soon to be fully) completed paperwork for our second adoption. I knew if I were pregnant, the agency would not continue the adoption process. But I also knew I needed a physical from a doctor to complete the paperwork. So if I wasn’t pregnant, I needed my doctor to run further tests. Some of my symptoms lined up with diabetes and thyroid problems, both of which run in my family.
So off to the store I went to pick up a test. I didn’t want to take it when I got home. My heart just couldn’t take a negative test. Farid urged me to take the test. Why wait until the morning?
It was positive. Immediately!
Was it true? Could it be a false positive?
Yes, I know. I had missed two (yes, two) cycles. But my body was still recovering from 6 months of those awful Lupron shots, right?
I tentatively brought the test to my husband saying, “I think it says I’m pregnant. Are we reading it right?”
So he had me text a picture to my mom and sisters, in which I asked, “is this really positive?” (Um, yes. Sadly, that is how they found out.)
Three days later, a blood test from the doctors office confirmed the pregnancy saying that my numbers were “really high”. And that Saturday we had the joy of seeing our little baby on an ultrasound.
The next Monday I sat in a room waiting to see my doctor. She walked in and said, “When I saw your name this week and why you were coming in I couldn’t believe it. I was completely shocked. But now I am over it and so excited for you!”
I was over 9 weeks pregnant.
To be honest, I was still a little shocked too.
In our 7 1/2 years of marriage, pain had wreaked havoc on my body, both physically and emotionally. Fertility treatments, surgeries and tests had doctors telling me my chances of getting pregnant naturally were almost nothing, and even with IVF lower than normal. Last September I sat in a hospital bed post-surgery with my doctor telling me my insides looked terrible. I knew only God could work a miracle in me.
And He DID!
“And (my) God can do exceeding abundantly more than all I could (ever) ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20).
The words to the Chris Tomlin song, “Our God” come to mind:
“Our God is greater
Our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other.
Our God is healer
Awesome in power
Our God, our God!”
Over the last several months (and years), we have prayed that God would fill our home with children, that He would grow our little family. Little did we know how God would even begin to answer that prayer.
Words cannot truly express how grateful and excited we are that God is growing our little family. As I write this, I am once again reminded that God is faithful. His timing is ALWAYS perfect.
Thank you to everyone who has prayed and is praying for our little family. We continue to covet your prayers as we embark on this new adventure!
As Psalm 27:13 and 14 says, “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.”