Ever have one of those busy, non-stop week’s? Ever wonder if life will ever slow down? I have resolved that life never really does slow down, but that I need to be purposeful about creating slower moments.
Friday is one of my favorite days of the week…and not because it means the weekend is coming. Friday means “Free Friend Friday” at the Sportsplex where my parents work out. Not only do I get to workout with my mom and sister, but the childcare is also free. It’s also the one day of the week where I get a really good workout. Seriously, my mom could really be a personal fitness trainer. And she is, to me and my sister anyway.
But this week, as Friday came along, I had to make a choice.
Our last few weeks have been incredibly crazy. I’ve had late nights and early mornings, literally running all day long. Then this Wednesday and Thursday were non-stop, running to several places each day and being gone way longer than anticipated. My home was a mess, my body was physically exhausted, my brain was completely worn out, and I knew my son needed some one-on-one time.
So we stayed home. Oh what a wonderful day at home it was.
My home slowly got put back together. My son and I sat and read books together. We colored big pictures together. We had fun making snakes, “pizzas” and snowmen out of play dough.

And I even got a bit of a nap in while my son watched an episode of Curious George. By the time dinner came along, I decided to order pizza. The thought of having to clean-up the kitchen after dinner was just exhausting to me.
The past few months, I’ve had to learn to say “no” to some things, knowing that if I said “yes” I would be over-extending myself. Sometimes those things are good things. But it doesn’t always mean it is a good thing for me for that day or this time in my life.
Saturday, I woke up with clearer thinking. Though still tired from having a son that has not slept through the night in months, I felt reenergized. I could focus on the tasks that needed to get done that day.
It’s true that maybe I didn’t get done everything that I wanted or needed to get done on Friday, but having a slower day recharged me so I could get more done the next day. It’s okay to have a day (or part of a day) to just stop and play with play dough, take time to color (it’s so relaxing), and even take a nap.
Having an unhurried day benefited my health and well-being. It gave me more quality time with my son. While I was rolling out play dough pizzas with him, I wasn’t thinking about the pile of dishes that needed to get done, or the loads of laundry that needed to be folded. I was focused on my time with him.
No, not every day will be like Friday, having an entire day of slow moments. But I know I need to be purposeful about taking time to create slower moments through out my day and week. It’s vital for my health, (my sanity), and my relationship with my family.
What can you do today to create a slow moment for you?