Whew! Third week of gluten-free eating, and this week was a tough one for me to come up with our dinner plan.
This past week we had some meals that my husband was not completely fond of, like tomato soup…
or even Build Your Own Loaded Baked Potatoes
….though my son loved them and I thought it was quite a filling meal.
This week I thought I’d make it up to him a little bit, starting with tonight’s dinner of Ranch Chicken with red potatoes and green beans.
I’ll post this super easy and delicious recipe on Monday!
Hopefully, as my way of thinking about meals changes, gluten-free meal planning will come more easily for me. For now, here is what we have planned this week:
Thursday: Ranch Chicken with red potatoes and green beans (one pan dish!)
Friday: Dinner out – Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Roast Beef with mashed potatoes and green beans
Monday: Parmesan Crusted Chicken with steamed broccoli and salad
Tuesday: Pork Burrito Bowls
Wednesday: TBD