What’s for Dinner…? Week 5

What' for Dinner

So last week I introduced a dairy-free meal plan challenge to myself. It is not easy finding “cheese-free” dinner dishes, especially this time of year. Cheese makes everything taste better, right?

Overall we did really good, though it helped that I didn’t buy any cheese last week. However, we did turn one of the Lime Chicken dish into tacos and I ended up grating a monterrey cheese block that I use for my son’s lunches!

This week, only two of the seven meals have cheese. I mean, Friday night is pizza night, and who wants pizza without cheese? But I am determined to drastically cut down on the amount of cheese I cook with (and eventually cut out dairy). So baby steps people!

This is my dinner plan for this week:

Thursday: Sausage and Spinach Pasta, Homemade biscuits, salad

Friday:  Homemade Pizza and Salad, Fudgy Brownies

Saturday: Leftovers

Sunday:  Baked Pineapple Chicken and Rice

Monday:  Raspberry Chicken (recipe coming soon!)

Tuesday:  Family Dinner

Wednesday:  Grilled Cheese with fresh fruit and veggies

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