Have I mentioned that I love simple meals? I love Summer meals because I can get away with making salads for a main dish and my husband is okay with that.
I love using the grill and not heating up the house. Unfortunately, we currently have a birds nest in our grill….with birds eggs not hatched yet….so we have to wait until the eggs hatch and we can safely remove the nest.
Secretly, I was hoping we could just get a whole new grill, as our grill only half works anyway. But we have several projects that are bigger priorities this Summer. Maybe next year. For now, I can’t wait to get the grill cleaned out, power washed and ready to use.
In the meantime, here is this week’s simple dinner plan…
Thursday: Cobb Salad with sweet potato fries
Friday: Homemade Pizza (I have a gluten free pizza crust mix from Aldi)
Saturday: Leftovers and a Grad Party
Sunday: Homemade Chicken Patty Sandwiches (recipe from Heavenly Homemaker) with potato salad, fresh fruit and veggies (I will just be eating the Chicken Patty without the bun to make it GF!)
Monday: Sausage Spinach Pasta
Tuesday: Cool Ranch Taco’s (recipe from Plain Chicken) with Rice and fresh fruit
Wednesday: Leftovers