Can you believe that I just bought diapers for the first time in eleven months? I’d like to tell you that I have a super-child that was fully potty trained before turning one, but that isn’t the case. So how did we go almost a year without buying diapers? Two things…
#1 – Purchasing Clearanced Diapers in Bulk
Every January and February Target runs a BOGO sale. This is where people can buy items in quantities like you would at Sam’s Club or Costco. Since this is only an annual sale, these items eventually get put on clearance.
Last year Target carried tons of LUVS diapers. I paid $12.58 for a box (yes a box) of Luvs diapers. This was a deal I just couldn’t pass up. So I spent just under $100 and bought as many as I could.
#2 – Receiving Diapers as a Gift
A man my dad knows somehow gets bulk diapers for free. In September, he passed along three huge boxes of Huggies diapers to us…the huge boxes that contain 180 diapers in them, along with several bundles of wipes. These diapers couldn’t have been more perfectly timed because we were literally on our last diaper from my bulk buy in February.
In the next day or two we will be finishing up these boxes of diapers, and I had to buy diapers once again. It made me that much more thankful for the way God provided for us this past year…AND how nice it was to not have “diapers” on my weekly shopping list.
This February, keep your eyes open for Target BOGO clearance deals and you may find a great deal on diapers yourself! If you want to be a blessing to someone with little ones, buy some diapers for them. It’s a need they will be greatly appreciate.