Day 15
Oh the sweet blessings of bedtime! I love the precious moments before I put my son into his crib. Every night, as soon as I put his bedtime music on, he puts his little head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around my neck. I stand by his crib, rocking him for a few minutes and praying with him. As soon as I say “Amen”, he lifts his little head and gives me a precious kiss on the lips. Sometimes he then turns toward his crib, ready to go down, and other nights he puts his head back on my shoulder wanting to be held a little longer. All the while, he will continue to occasionally lift his head to give me another kiss, trying to buy more cuddle time with me. Although I do admit, it often works! Oh how I savor these precious moments with my son.
Day 16
Yesterday was our first truly cool, rainy and windy day here. And even though we toughed it out, trying not to turn on our heat yet, I couldn’t help but be blessed that we have shelter over our heads. I was blessed with the ability to turn on the oven and make some banana bread in attempts to warm up our house a little bit.
Day 17
Today I am blessed with heat to warm up our house. Last night my husband and I caved (or really I caved) and turned on the heat in our home. Our house only warmed to 66 degrees yesterday, and while some people may think that’s the perfect temperature, it’s a little cool for me. If I knew that was as low as it would get, I could have probably handled it, but I knew it would get even cooler overnight. Today is another cool, rainy day and I knew our home would just get cooler. So I am incredibly thankful for heat and a warm house today!!
What about you? What are you blessed with today?