Day 103 (Saturday)
Saturday my family was blessed to celebrate my nephews birthday. The party was at a local gym where the kids could run around and play basketball. The facilities also had a little indoor play place – which is where I spent most of my time with my son and nieces! Having been cooped up in the house for most of the week, it was really nice that my son had somewhere different to run around.
Day 104 (Sunday)
“Your need is what God uses as an opportunity to introduce Himself to you” – Pastor Charles Lyons
Last night my uncle was the guest preacher at our church. His message was a reminder that God is faithful and present even in our darkest moments, even when we feel that all hope is lost. It was also a great reminder that our eyes should remain fixed on Jesus no matter what we are going through. It’s easy to focus on our problems and circumstances. Yet despite what we might be going through, we need to remain faithful to the Lord.
Day 105 (Monday)
This morning I am so thankful to have had early morning quiet time with the Lord. For various reasons, this “early morning” time with the Lord has not been frequent and I’ve had to try to squeeze it in throughout the day instead. My days are so much better when I can start my day with the Lord!