Day 71: Tuesday
Today I had the tiny little blessing of seeing my 19 month old son watching me and waving to me from his bedroom window as I was shoveling the driveway. He was suppose to be taking a nap. I sure did get a kick out of it!
Day 72: Wednesday
I am so blessed that my husband is able to work from home occasionally. Today was his work from home day and I was able to do my grocery shopping while my son was napping. Since we have had really cold weather and my son has been sick, I took this as a double blessing.
Day 73: Thursday
God’s Word is always such a blessing to me. Lamentation 3:22 and 23 remind me that God’s “mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning“.
Wednesday was a long, grueling day with my son who is sick. Nothing on my “to-do list” got done. I felt defeated and exhausted.
I woke up thankful for a new day. My energy was renewed and refreshed. My son took good naps and I got much done.
Day 74: Friday
Today I’m so thankful for my husband texting me to say he’s bringing home dinner. It’s another exhausting day with my little guy who is still under the weather. My usual Friday Homemade Pizza was turning into frozen pizza. I cannot wait until we are all healthy again!