Day 31
Yesterday I was so thankful for a sister who has two boys that are older than my son. I was able to use a hand-me-down Halloween Costume for my little guy. What a blessing! Especially when it’s something that is only used once.
For the last week, my son would bring the costume to me because he wanted to wear it. Since it was raining by us yesterday, my husband only took him to a couple houses to “trick or treat”, but he “helped” pass out candy at our house with his costume on.
Day 32
Today I am blessed with a dad who has served on the Ministry Staff of our church for 38 years. He is a pastor who has a heart for people. He has a passion for people to hear about Jesus and to grow in the Word of God.
My brother recently shared a story from a few years back when he went out visiting with my dad. The man they intended to visit wasn’t answering the door. He lived in an apartment, so my dad started ringing other people’s buzzers until someone buzzed him in. They went to the man’s apartment and knocked, but there still was no answer. This didn’t stop my dad. He turned around and knocked on the door across the hall. A man answered and my dad talked with him about Jesus for several minutes.
This is just one of many stories just like it. We may not know how many lives have been touched, how many seeds of truth have been planted because of my dad’s bold witness for the Lord, but God does.
When in heaven one day, I have no doubt Jesus will be saying to him, “Well done my good and faithful servant. Well done.”