These last few weeks have been busy, busy, busy. Do you ever wonder when things will slow down? I’m fairly confident that life will keep getting busier, and that okay. I’m learning to embrace the craziness instead of letting it pull me down.
So what have I been busy with? A little bit of everything, but mostly cooking. I feel like my life has revolved around the kitchen the last couple weeks. The cooking I love, it’s the cleanup that’s not so great!
Last weekend, in addition to having guests in our home, we had an all day youth event for our teens at church. Somehow I was able to prepare all the food for the event plus our family meals, despite the fact that my son chose those days to pull everything out of cabinets, break one of my favorite serving bowls and dump baking soda all over the kitchen floor (just to name a few).
Whew! I’m so glad this week was a semi-normal cooking week.
Twice in the past week I have had the opportunity to make a meal for people. The first one was for my aunt and uncle who just moved into a new home, and the second meal I brought to a friend who had a baby. It is such a blessing to be able to serve others!
Now that it’s starting to get back to a normal busy in my home, here is this week’s meal plan…
Thursday: Spaghetti with cheesy garlic toast
Friday: Homemade Pizza
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Cheddar Biscuit Pot Pie with rice and salad
Monday: Sloppy Joes with Cheesy Potato Casserole
Tuesday: Breakfast for Dinner
Wednesday: TBD