The sun is shining, flowers are blooming, and warm weather seems to be here to stay. These last few weeks have just flown by. Looking at the calendar today, I can’t believe that May is almost over.
In just a couple weeks, my family will be entrenched in some of our biggest ministry projects we have each year: Vacation Bible School and Teen Camp. I’m feeling the pressure of all that needs to get done for each of them!
But before I can even think about those things, we have had lots of things around our home that needed some attention. The biggest task is yard work.
Last year we moved into our (new to us) home on June 3rd. I scrambled to get a small garden in before our two weeks of Vacation Bible School hit (one for kids and one for high school students). And then my mother-in-law’s health began to rapidly fail, which meant a lot of traveling for my family. Yard work got put on hold.
We live in a corner house, so we have lots of yard! The previous owners loved to plant things. LOVED it. However, while they picked a lot of nice things, there wasn’t much rhyme or reason to it. Several plants and bushes were just out of control. We even had a tree in the middle of the yard that had tiger lilies growing around two-thirds of it, while hostas grew on the other third. On top of that, the tiger lilies were growing through the sides of the bricks around the tree. (I thought I had a picture of the craziness, but I haven’t found it yet).
This chaos was just too much for my OCD self to handle!
Last year, as I had the opportunity in the midst of a chaotic Summer, I pulled out various plants. This Spring, I slowly started pulling out more plants. I am happy to say that plants around the tree in the middle of our yard now have some symmetry to them.
And the walkway up to our front porch now looks pulled together.
I am super excited that we got an apple tree planted!
We had one apple tree that the previous owners planted, but it needed a companion tree to help pollinate it. Last year, we didn’t get any apples from that tree, so I’m hoping for a few this year!
Last week we took a break from yard work and took a road trip. My husband had a conference in Louisville, so he dropped our son and me off at my sister’s house in southeast Indiana on the way. The next day my sister and I, along with our kiddos, traveled back home. The boys had a great time together!
Saturday was back to yard work. The previous week, my husband pulled out trees along our back fence so that I could put my garden there this year. It gets way more sun than where the previous owners had put a garden.
This Saturday, my sweet husband built a raised garden bed for me. We really, really needed one to help keep the rabbits away from my vegetables! (They think our yard is a playground or something).
While I would love to share instructions for you, we really are NOT “DIYers” (more on that another time), so you’ll get better instructions looking at Pinterest than anything you would get from me!
I am happy to say my garden is in! This is the most variety I have planted in all our years of marriage. Can I just say, I am so looking forward to the fresh broccoli, green beans, lettuce, peppers, carrots, zucchini and tomatoes we will get!