Blessings come in all different shapes and sizes. Some blessings are so big, so grand, it’s hard to miss them. These are the ones we most celebrate, the blessings that get the most attention.
While focusing on the big blessing, how easy it is to miss all the little blessings that sweep by in everyday life!
For me, blessings are all the little things that happen every day.
It’s a blessing for me to be able to stay home every day to take care of my family. It’s having food on our table, clothes on our bodies and a roof over our heads.
It’s a blessing to enjoy a long walk outside in the middle of “winter” because it so happened to be a beautifully bright, sunshiny, not-so-windy day.
What a blessing it is on the days my husband can work from home. After all, I don’t have to pack a lunch for him that day…and I get to see him all day!
Oh the joy as my little boy wraps his arms around my neck and pats my back. It’s hearing him say, “Mama” for the first time. It’s even the cry that wakes me up in the middle of the night that reminds me to thank the Lord for the child we prayed for oh-so-long.
It’s a blessing to endure the trials of life: the job loss, health problems, infertility, the ups and downs of adopting (just to name a few). All these trials have reminded me of God’s promises and strengthened my faith as I waited on the Lord.
As the song says,
“Count your blessings, name them one by one.
Count your blessings see what God has done.”
Have you counted the blessings in your life recenlty, or have you been so busy looking for the big ones that you missed out on all the little ones?