After a couple weeks of one illness after another for me and my son, many sleepless nights, long days, Thanksgiving festivities and time with extended family, I am glad to settle back into a routine this week. At least that is what I’m hoping to do. But I have not forgotten my 365 Days of Blessings. So here is me catching up…
Day 52 – Thursday
I am so thankful for the Word of God. It gives me hope and strength. It teaches me and guides me. It gives me encouragement when I need it most.
Day 53 – Friday
I am blessed with a husband that takes care of me when I’m sick!
Day 54 – Saturday
Well, I never thought I’d say this one, but I am very, very thankful for the song, “What Does the Fox Say”. Last night I put my son to bed. After an hour of him crying uncontrollably I picked him up. He continued to cry and cry.
He had worked himself up into quite a sweat, so I took his pajamas off and attempted to change his diaper as well. But every time I tried to lay him down he cried harder, arched his back, kicked and turned. After several LONG minutes, I finally gave in to one of my husband’s tactics and pulled up the video to “What Does the Fox Say” on my phone. As soon my son heard the first notes, he calmed down enough to let me change his diaper. Isn’t technology great?
Day 55 – Sunday
Today I am thankful for the energy God provided me so that I could attend church and serve the Lord today. Yesterday due to abdominal pain that I get and a fever for most of the day, I did not move from the couch. Today, though moving slower than usual, I was able to be up and moving
Day 56 – Monday
I am blessed with a sister who spent the day taking care of my son while I filled in for the day for the church secretary. I don’t work outside the home often, but when I do I am glad I have family willing to watch my little bundle of energy.
Day 57 – Tuesday
I have to say that I am blessed with a mom who has taught me how to be a “keeper of the home”. Out of all the things she has taught, I am so glad she brought me alongside her in the kitchen. I know this wasn’t an easy thing to do. It is so much easier to just do things yourself. My little guy likes to “help” me in the kitchen too. It sure does take a lot of patience. But the memories are so worth it!
Day 58 – Wednesday
Tomorrow I am hosting my first Thanksgiving! Today I am blessed with a husband that so willingly pitched in to help pull our house together.
Day 59 – Thursday (Thanksgiving Day!)
This past June we moved from a 2-bedroom duplex into a 4-bedroom home. Today I am feeling so blessed to have the space to host my family for Thanksgiving. I am also thankful that my first turkey I have ever cooked was delicious. I admit, I was a little worried!
Day 60 – Friday
I am truly blessed with a big, close family who loves to do things together. Today we gathered at my mom’s to make gingerbread houses. While this “cousin time” gets a bit crazy (to say the least), I treasure the memories that our precious little ones are making.
Day 61 – Saturday
After a crazy week, I am thankful for a day at home to clean and get organized. My husband took my son out of the house for a couple hours, which gave me uninterrupted time to get things done.
By the end of the day I was even able to put our Christmas tree up. I love seeing it through the eyes of a child that is learning to talk. When Gavin saw the tree all lit up he walked up to it saying, “Oh wow! Yeah!” So I think it’s safe to say he likes it.
Day 62 – Sunday
Today I was blessed watching an excited group of Freshman girls learn the Bible. This is my third year teaching these girls and I just love it. One of the girls today put a game together for our Scripture verse. I loved seeing her excitement about it, and the excitement and encouragement from the other girls as they played the game.
Day 63 – Monday
Words can not express how thankful I am that my son is finally going to bed without crying. For the last several weeks bedtime has been so heartbreaking. As soon as we would go into his room and turn on bedtime music, he would begin to cry. He’d let me pray with him, and as soon as I’d finish he would wrap his legs around me and hold my neck as tight as he could.
While these extra tight cuddles were nice, I missed the sweet kiss he would give after I finished praying. I am so glad bedtime is back to a normal routine and that my son is crying for several minutes after we put him down for the night.
Day 64 – Tuesday
We are blessed with a king size bed, especially on nights that our son ends up in bed with us. These nights are rare, but last night was one of them. Usually I will only let him in our bed for a little bit, but he was a bit congested and his breathing sounded off. Me being a little paranoid wanted to make sure he continued to breathe, so he ended up with us from 1 am to 7 am.
Day 65 – Wednesday
I just love the excitement my son has when my husband gets home from work. As soon as the outside garage door opens, Gavin will stop what he’s doing and go running towards the garage door. He waits there saying, “Daddy! Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!”
My husband got home from work today just as we had to leave for church, so father and son didn’t have much time together. On the way home, my little Gavin was so tired, but oh so determined to stay awake to “talk” with his daddy. He couldn’t even hold his eyes open, but if daddy coughed, he coughed. If daddy laughed, he laughed. If daddy asked a question, he “answered” as loud as he could – all with his eyes closed.
These precious moments just bless my heart!