Have you ever waited for something (or for someone) for so long that you thought it would never come?
If you have adopted, or know of someone who has, you know that there’s a lot of waiting. Oh, there’s the mound of paperwork, the seemingly endless courses and books to read, and the hours of home studies. The waiting, though, is the hardest part. There’s nothing left to do but wait.
Farid and I started our adoption process in March of 2010. We were already ready for a baby, but we slowly worked our way through the paperwork and everything that needed to be done. By January of 2011 we were officially approved, our profile was submitted and the real waiting began.
Every week, every month that passed without getting “the call” was hard. After all, we were ready to welcome a baby into our home!
A year went by and we were still waiting for “the call”. I began to doubt. Farid and I had been married for five years, and God had not yet answered our prayers for a child. Maybe I wasn’t meant to be a mother.
I cried. I prayed. God answered. In the midst of my turmoil and heartache, I was reading in the Book of Psalms for my devotions. While I was reading, God gave me this passage:
“I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord…Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:13,14)
I had hope! God is good, all the time. His timing is perfect. I needed to continue to wait on Him.
In the beginning of February of 2012, we met with our caseworker. She told us that the agency had four birthmothers all due in April that would be looking at our profile. Oh, were we excited. How could someone not choose us?
So we waited.
February passed without a call. I wanted to give up hope. Yet the verse in Psalm 27 tugged at my heart. “I will see the goodness of the Lord…be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”
The call we had waited for came on March 7, 2012. It was a Wednesday morning and Farid was at work. Our caseworker called and said, “A birth family has chosen you. Do you want me to share the details?” I couldn’t say “yes” fast enough!
As our caseworker shared the details with us, I quickly jotted down everything I could so that I could share them with Farid. It was so hard to keep my composure through that call. But I hung on by a thread.
After hanging up with our caseworker, I quickly called Farid. Thankfully, he was able to answer, and I blurted out, “We’ve been chosen! A birth family chose us!”
“Are you joking?” Farid said. Joking? Why would I joke about this? This was the call we had been waiting for!!
Tears streamed down my face as I ended the call with my husband. For years we had prayed for a baby. God was answering. My heart was so full of joy, so very blessed.
Yet at the same time, my heart grieved. My heart was so overwhelmed with gratitude and admiration. A young girl chose life for her baby. Then she made the most loving, sacrificial decision she could ever make and chose to place her baby for adoption. Out of all the people she could pick, she chose us.
A baby boy was due April 24 and we were chosen to be his parents. The wait had finally ended! Or maybe the waiting had just begun.

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