365 Days of Blessings: Day 69 & 70

Day 69 (Sunday)

Today we were blessed with our first snowfall that covered the ground. It was a beautiful sight to drive into our subdivision tonight with its unplowed streets, snow-capped trees and Christmas lights on the houses.

Day 70 (Monday)

 Christmas PresentsWe are blessed to have contact with our son’s birth family. While it’s not always easy to take the time and energy to share pictures, videos and stories or send emails to multiple people, it is always a blessing to know they appreciate. It helps them know that the right decision was made.

This past week we received a box of gifts in the mail from the birth father and his mom for Gavin. We have sweet letters, pictures and gifts from the birth mother, her mom, the birth father and his mom that one day we will be able to share with our son. It is a blessing to know that the decision they made to place Gav for adoption was a decision made out of love.

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