365 Days of Blessings: Days 49-51

so blessed

Day 49: Monday

This one may sound a bit crazy, but it’s true! I’m blessed with a husband that is an excellent ear-drop administor. Since Friday night I’ve had medicine to put in my ears for the “swimmers ear” I was diagnosed with. Today was the first time I put them in my own ears, and it did not go so well. Each day though, my husband has double checked what time I needed the ear-drops. Most of the time he even brought them to me to put in. Since I have temporarily lost hearing in my ear, maybe he’s tired of hearing me say, “Huh? What did you say again!”…so he wants to ensure I heal quickly!

Day 50: Tuesday

I am thankful for a little boy that is happy even when he is sick. My son was diagnosed today with conjuntivitis in his eyes, nose and throat and it was heading towards his ears. He had a fever and even vomited twice. Yet he still was in a pleasant, happy mood for most of the day.

Day 51: Wednesday

IMG_0588 2Today I am thankful for a grandmother who is a prayer warrior.  She turns 85 today and I am so blessed to have her in my life. When I was younger she would have “Grandchildren of the Month” who she would pray for specifically. In church, she always asks the people that are sitting next to her, “How can I pray for you this week?” When there is an illness, hospitalization or some other concern with someone in our family, she will call one of us grandchildren to pray with us about it.  What an amazing example of a prayer warrior she is!

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