Freezer Cooking Fridays

Freezer Cooking -- 1

As we enter the month of November in a few short days, we enter a season of craziness! Family gatherings, holiday parties, perhaps traveling, and lots of shopping. For busy mommas, this means less time at home and much longer days.

During this crazy busy time, sometimes it’s hard to even think about “What’s for dinner tonight?” So for the month of November, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite Freezer Meals with you.

Now I have to be honest about a couple things:

1.  I am really, really picky when it comes to freezer cooking! Some things just don’t taste as good after you have to re-cook them. So all the recipes I post are ones that hold their flavor and taste great after thawing and cooking.

2.  I am not a fan of spending an entire day in the kitchen making freezer meals. I simply don’t have the time for that.

That being said, for the most part, the recipes I share will be incredibly easy. You’ll be able to stock your freezer one simple meal at a time and hopefully without too much extra effort.

I am looking forward to having tasty freezer meals to choose from this December. Stay tuned on Friday for our first Freezer Cooking Friday’s post!

Freezer Cooking Posts:

1.  Soup Edition: Three incredibly tasty and simple soups

2.  All About Chicken

3.  One Roast, Three Meals

4.  Bring on the Beef

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  1. Pingback: Freezer Cooking: Soup Edition |