365 Days of Blessings: Day 9 (Blue Skies and Tomatoes)


Today we are once again blessed with fantastic Autumn weather. I’m loving the blue skies!

I had the opportunity to take my son with me on a nice walk/jog in our neighborhood. I’m so thankful I was able to run a bit, because two weeks ago due to health reasons it was all I could do to take a walk around the block….and the walk was s-l-o-w! Today I was able to complete a couple of miles.


When we got home from our walk, we spent some time in the backyard picking tomatoes and peppers. Look at my filled to the brim bowl!


I so can’t wait to make some homemade salsa with these fresh tomatoes.

What are you feeling blessed about today? Share in the comments or on our Facebook page! Would love to hear the things that YOU are thankful for today.

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