Clutter Busting Challenge: Part 1


This month the Money Saving Mom is hosting a “Clutter Busting Challenge”, asking people to get rid of 7 things every day for the month of May.


This challenge comes at a great time for me since we are moving in less than two weeks.  While I am a bit behind in the game as far as blogging about this challenge, I am loving every bit of getting rid of things!  Purging is something that I constantly do, but since we are moving I am being a more ruthless about it.

I haven’t taken pictures of everything I am getting rid of (and it definitly is more than 7 things a day), but over the next few days I will share some of the pictures I have actually taken! Here’s my first one…


clutter #1

Here’s what I purged for this day:

  • 3 laptop bags (really, how did we accumulate these????)
  • 10 children’s books (I haven’t read them since I was about 10….so why do I still have them?)
  • 2 pictures (They haven’t been hung since I moved in 6.5 years ago!)
  • 1 pack of music reward cards

Look around your house. What seven things can you purge today?





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